Pédagogies Créatives image/svg+xml Pédagogies Créatives 2018-05-09 Matthieu Giroux Creative Common by SA Liberlog http://archive.org/details/@matthius Français Pédagogies Créatives créer devenir génie créatif platon herbart freinet montessori S'améliorer par la créativité. Creative Teachings Matthieu GIROUXPublic Writerwww.riseagenius.com License : Creative Common by SAIn 2018Some people know better how humans work.Entertainment culture prevents you from rising and gets you emotional.But humans can find something new on earth.Many no longer know how to be rational.Entertainment culture has been established in rich countriesat the same time as currency's privatization, in the 60s.Emotion does not allow us to move forward. We become unsatisfied if weare only emotional.We were made to believe that the Beatles were a revolution. In the factsthe songs were, then, less and less thinking.The "abstract" art- Demands to learn abstract codes.- Requires a guide to understand it.- Promotes emotions lost by elitism.- Represses reflection and the desire to grow.Many of those who go to museums have the impressionto be bored, because this art does not allow to rise.A painting can and should be easily understood by anyone,without a guide, awakening curiosity, to make people reflect.Abstract art serves to create an emotional and dependent elite lead by emotions. New Deal culture- Is partly the current popular culture.- Is a rising culture serving to grow.- Makes you reflecting.- Allows many citizens to become rational and creative.- Did not allow to teach co-development. Poor countries have servedto speculation.New Deal culture was notthat popular.It was also oriented towardsthe great works. Duringthat the West speculatedon the problems of poorcountries. Best of classical culture- Is a culture that makes you reflect- With it we want to grow, then we get more involved- Our chosen media then push us to considerthe future.So we are enthousiastto create projectsAnd we want to actwith others Social iscooperation. Social cooperative works- Learn to understand the other.- Allow to learn society's rules.- Allow us to understand our limits and our neighbor.- Are the most rewarding exercises at any age.- Teachto learnfor some.  Social is excluded fromany media so itimpoverishes people.A creative pedagogy (Herbart, Steiner, Montessori,Freinet) allows :- To become rational, resourceful and psychologist.- To learn democracy, nations or peace's history.- To understand ourselves through drawing to teach tolearn through writing.- To learn to live in society with music.- To recreate a society with architecture.- Platonic reflection of experiences andhypothesis.Freudian professions are useless in a creative society.Creativity, if it is oriented towards our personal growththanks to others, allows us to understand ourselvesto understand others.The Freudian professions were set up because theprofessor no longer had the opportunity to growstudent.Freinet pedagogyIs a very simple pedagogy where professor asks that student wants.It is promoting student's creativity.With classes of up to 15 students.Where the teacher makes the students rise.Thanks to their writings and creations.So students understand each other and satisfy their ego.The teacher and the students grow.Freinet pedagogy has been used to createengineers. The elitebecame malleablewhen this pedagogy was stopped. Creativity is- That separates the human from the animal- That makes possible to transform or to improve nature- Which allows us to save labor anticipating- Which makes it possible to understand better who we are  It is possible that everyone has the right to be creativeas constitution says.If anyone doesn't have that creative reason, it's alack in education or production.Creativity is our foundation. Whoever must have got it.Nations' history, growth and peaceHelps to better understand co-development and nation-statesTo know how to anticipate the futureTo know our rights, achievements and our primordial duties towards our civilizationTo become responsible, humble, militant, humanistTo be interested in physical economyAn immorally ++society does not accept the history's creative leaders.The great nations' history, also discoveries and democracyhave been hidden from us. Yet thishistory makes it possible to become optimistic and visionary.Platonic reflection called scientific reflection :- Is the children's reflection- Which consists to consider hypotheses- Seeking his truth and then the truth- To verify them with experience or as a journalist- In order to grow satisfying our egoWe become rational, convincing and strong-willed.Platonic reflection is to be taught with great discoverers's history. Indeed Kepler, Leibniz and Einsteinare not taught in high school.Writing and platonic reflection allow- To know ourselves in order to grow seeking the truth- Then to write for others in order to teach- Because the one who writes understands better that he knowsWe then rise creativity in others.Society can then progress easier in order tobreak limits to continue our growth.When we write about ourselves we can then look at ourselves like another later. Platonic reflection allows you to become safer while being better understood. Classical music allows- To reflect, awaken and meditate if we listen to ourselvesMeditation helps to strengthen our ego- To know how to live in society if we learn it- To know the most harmonious melodies and scores- To know how to easily create beautiful music- To understand our emotions and the emotions of othersThere are methods that make it possible to learnmusic through our creativity without the need fortheoretical basis, understanding how weworks.Playing an instrument or singing requestconstantly to adapt, in order to obtain ajoint demonstration based on ourintuitions, adapted to beauty's rules,which is an eternity's believing.It is possible to learn musicwithout a theoretical basis, learning it,playing or singing. More that we learnis difficult the more encouraging it is tosucceed. Architecture with geometry allow- To know how to create a society or a system- To understand how to transform our surrounding- To anticipate on any construction- To rise our ingenuity, our curiosityArchitecture requires to be smart and creative.It allows you to stay creative with engineering.Designing a city or a buildingis a way to galvanize our desireto understand society, in order to improve it.We then learn about a society's creative basicsto better improve it and share.The best architecture books talk aboutcooperation between individuals. Conclusion: What destroys us.A spoiled child wants to destroy, then grab other gifts.If he does not seek the truth to grow he destroys.We are led by children, who are jealous of those who surpass them intellectually.These leaders decided to create an emotionnal civilization through entertainment,in order to grab resources for themselves, in the 60s among rich countries.Someone who has a good situation does not have to make his creativity work.These leaders act secretly to be the only ones who decide, to accumulate for them even more gifts.. Conclusion: Rising progress' culture allows truth'sresearch to grow.Solidarity and communication rise easierif we have to build. We havegrown because we know how to question ourselvesat crisis moments.Any knowledge that allows us to grow canallow people to become rational,in order to become liable, to do better than oligarchy andimperialism, that is to say to grow others in order to grow ourselves.It is important to tell that our civilization allows eternityfor a long time ago, because we prefer to remember thegood examples than bad ones. Oligarchy wants us to believethat their bad examples are the good ones.When we have problems, we start easierto reflect with solidarity, allowing to live in society.But then our thinking must be creative,so that we do not become parasites.
  1. Matthieu Giroux
  2. Médias
  3. Bruguel
  4. Barrage
  5. Piano
  6. Coopératif
  7. Herbart
  8. Freinet
  9. Créatifs
  10. Westphalie
  11. Platon
  12. Écriture
  13. Musique
  14. Architecture
  15. Jeux
  16. Robot
  17. Fin